Kamis, 17 Januari 2019

English titles (Judul bahasa Inggris)

I. Common Titles (Judul Utama)
1. Mr. (Pak): for men, regardless of marital status, who do not have another professional or academic title. (untuk pria; bagaimanapun juga pada status menikah, yang tidak memiliki judul profesional atau akademik lain.)

2. Mrs. (Bu): for married women who do not have another professional or academic title. (untuk wanita kawin yang tidak memiliki judul profesional atau akademik lain.)

3. Miss (Bu): for girls, unmarried women and (in the UK) married women who continue to use their maiden name (although "Ms" is often preferred for the last two). In the UK, it is used in schools to address female teachers, regardless of marital status.

II. Formal Titles (Judul Formal)
1. Sir (Pak): for men, formally if they have a British knighthood or if they are a baronet. Also used in secondary schools; most tend not to call male teachers "Mr ___", but rather "Sir". (untuk pria, secara formal jika mereka memiliki keksatrian Inggris atau jika mereka baronet. Juga digunakan di sekolah sekunder; cenderung tidak memanggil guru pria "Pak ___", namun juga "Pak".)

2. Ma'am (Bu):  for women, a term of general respect. (untuk wanita, menurut kehormatan umum.)

3. Lady (Nyonya): for female peers with the rank of baroness, viscountess, countess, and marchioness, or the wives of men who hold the equivalent titles.

4. Lord (Raja): for male barons, viscounts, earls, and marquesses, as well as some of their children.

5. Excellency (Kesempurnaan): a title of honor given to certain high officials, as governors, ambassadors, royalty, nobility, and Roman Catholic bishops and archbishops, (preceded by his, your, etc.).

6. Gentleman (Tuan-tuan): originally a social rank, standing below an esquire and above a yeoman. The term can now refer to any man of good, courteous conduct.

III. Academic/Professional Titles (Nama Akademik/Profesional)
1. Dr.: (abbreviation for Doctor) for the holder of a doctoral degree (e.g. PhD, or MD in many countries) and for medical practitioners

2. Professor (Profesor): for a person who holds the academic rank of professor in a university or other institution.

3. Chancellor (Kanselir): for the chancellor of a university. (untuk kanselir universitas.)

4. Principal (Kepala): for the head of a school/organisation.

5. President (Presiden): may apply to a person holding the title of president, or presiding over certain other governmental bodies.

6. Master (Guru): a male schoolteacher. (seorang guru sekolah pria.)

7. Warden (Sipir): a person responsible for the supervision of a particular place or activity or for enforcing the regulations associated with it.

8. Dean (Dekan): the head of a university faculty or department or of a medical school. (kepala fakultas universitas atau departemen atau dari sekolah medis.)

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